It said doctors should look for signs of the brain disorder when they examine babies at eighteen months and twenty-four months. 这个新建议称,医生可以在对十八个月和二十四个月大婴儿进行检查的时候,仔细寻找大脑紊乱的信号。
Neither paper indicated which form of leukodystrophy the men have there are about 40 known types of the largely genetic brain cell-damaging disorder or who diagnosed the brothers. 不管是媒体还是为兄弟俩诊断的人都没有指明他们患的是哪一类型的脑白质病变&可知的关于大脑细胞损伤性病变大约就有40种。
The progressive brain disorder leads to memory loss and eventually the ability to think and function. 这种大脑逐步紊乱的疾病导致记忆障碍并最终丧失思考和行为能力。
Why they occur still isn't clear, but specialists say they have recently begun to understand the migraine as a brain disorder and not a vascular disorder. 偏头痛发生的原因尚不清楚,但是专家们说他们最近开始把偏头痛当作一种大脑病症而非血管病症。
One system, for instance, is used to treat patients for brain cancers by directing a stream of gamma radiation at the part of the brain where the disorder can be treated most effectively. 例如,有一种系统可用于脑癌病人的治疗,它能将一束伽马射线导入到大脑的异常部位,从而达到最好的疗效。
The study is one of the largest to investigate the possible benefits of ibuprofen on Parkinson's, a brain disorder that causes tremors and movement problems and affects mostly elderly people. 该研究是目前调查布洛芬对帕金森病可能益处的最大规模研究之一,帕金森病是一种脑部疾病,可引起震颤和运动障碍,主要影响老年人。
Early research suggests creatine supplements might be able to help slow the progression of Parkinson's, an incurable brain disorder that can slowly but steadily paralyze patients. 早期研究显示肌酸能减缓帕金森病的进展,帕金森病是一种缓慢的平稳的损伤患者的不可治愈的脑部疾病。
Only later did she begin to display the symptoms of Huntington's Disease, an inherited brain disorder that produces horrific delusions and uncontrolled movements. 在此之后,她才开始显示出亨廷顿病的症状,这是一种会导致恐怖错觉和行动失控的遗传性脑疾。
After work, knowing can not muddle through the Sun Feng, the brain disorder in Changhua into an Internet cafe intersection of Kangding road, look for ways to eat drugs suicide. 下班后,自知无法蒙混过关的孙峰,脑子乱哄哄地走进昌化路康定路口一家网吧,查找吃药物自杀的方法。
Alzheimer's is a progressive brain disorder that can cause memory lapses, fuzzy thinking and difficulty in performing simple activities, such as dialing a phone number. AD是一种进行性脑紊乱,它能导致记忆丧失、模糊思维、以及诸如拨电话号码的简单行为的困难。
Bipolar disorder, also commonly known as manic depression, is a brain disorder that causes shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. 双相情感障碍,通常也被称为躁狂抑郁症是一种大脑功能紊乱,导致能量的变化在一个人的情绪,并能发挥作用。
Alzheimer's is a brain disorder, usually found in older people. 阿兹海默症是一种头脑紊乱疾病,得病的通常是老年人。
It may result from a Brain or nerve disorder or from limitations in the normal sensory apparatus. 可能源于大脑或神经的功能紊乱,或是因受到正常感官错觉的限制而产生。
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive degenerative brain disorder that gradually destroys a person's memory and ability to learn, reason, make judgments, communicate and carry out daily activities. 阿尔茨默病是一种进展性的大脑退行性病变,使患者逐渐丧失记忆力,失去学习,推理,判断,沟通及进行日常活动的能力。
I grew up to study the brain because I have a brother who has been diagnosed with a brain disorder, schizophrenia. 由于我的一个患神经分裂症的哥哥的原因,我从小就立志要成为一名脑学家。
Modern research indicates that drug addiction is a serious social problem and a chronic recurrent drug-dependent brain disorder as well, which characterized by physiological and psychological dependence. 现代研究表明:吸毒不仅是社会问题,而且是一种慢性反复发作性药物依赖性脑病,主要表现为生理依赖和心理依赖两方面。
CONCLUSION Breviscapine can play a role in protecting brain through inhibiting disorder of energy metabolism and relieving cerebral edema. 结论:灯盏花素可能通过抑制能量代谢障碍、减轻脑水肿而发挥脑保护作用。
A study on the levels of myelin basic protein in serum of patients with brain organic mental disorder 脑器质性精神障碍患者血清髓鞘碱性蛋白含量研究
~ 1H-MRS study of brain metabolic disorder in patients with cyanosed congenital heart disease 紫绀型先天性心脏病脑代谢异常的磁共振质子波谱研究
Early comprehensive intervention on intelligence development in infants with brain disorder syndrome 早期综合干预对脑功能障碍性综合征患儿智力发育的影响
Role and Mechanism of CSF Acid-base Imbalance in the Pathogenesis of High-altitude Brain Disorder 脑脊液酸碱失衡在高原脑功能障碍发生中的作用及机制
There was also significant difference in the cure rate between patients with and without brain functional disorder ( P < 0.001). 伴和不伴脑器质性病变患者治愈率间差别有显著性意义(P<0.001)。
Methods Eighty-two children with brain disorder syndrome were randomly divided into two groups ( the intervention group and control group). 方法82例脑功能障碍性综合征患儿随机分为干预组和对照组。
Epileptic attack is not only temporary brain functional disorder caused by simple alteration of physiological and biochemical, it is important for the changes of spike wave focus form constitution and neurotransmitter to cause epilepsy. 癫痈发作不仅仅是单纯的生理生化改变所引起的暂时性脑功能失调,棘波灶的形态结构和神经递质变化对癫痛的形成和持续状态具有重要作用。
Alzheimer's disease ( AD) is a progressive brain disorder that occurs mostly with people in senescence. Currently, no treatment is proven effective other than symptomatic treatment. 阿尔茨海默病(AD)是老年期发病的痴呆性疾病,其病因至今不明,治疗以对症治疗为主,没有其它特效疗法。
1H MRS study of brain metabolic disorder in patients with chronic liver cirrhosis 慢性肝硬化脑代谢异常的磁共振质子波谱研究
Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes the patients to have recurring seizures. The seizures are due to sudden development of synchronous neuronal firing in the cerebral cortex. 癫痫是一种反复发作的脑部疾病,它的发作是由于大脑皮质神经元突然过度地、同步地放电引起的。
The hemodynamic changes under the state of brain death, disorder of endocrine system and the abundant emission of inflammatory factors can induce the damage of liver function and structural changes of liver. 3. 脑死亡状态下血流动力学的改变,内分泌系统的紊乱及炎症因子的大量释放能导致大鼠脑死亡状态下肝脏功能及结构的损害。
Epilepsy is a chronic brain dysfunction syndrome caused by many other diseases. Paroxysmal, abrupt and transient brain disorder caused by neural cells 'over synchronous discharge through and through is a characteristic of epilepsy. 癫痫(Epilepsy)是由多种病因引起的慢性脑功能障碍综合症,以大脑神经细胞群反复超同步放电引起的发作性、突然性、短暂性脑功能紊乱为特征。
Epilepsy ( EP) is the most serious brain disorder in every country. In China, the prevalence is about 7% o and the number of patients is over 8 million, with an increase of 270, 000 per year. 癫癎是当今世界上的一种严重脑部疾病,中国癫癎患病率为7‰,全国有癫癎病人800多万,且以每年27万的速率增长。